JC Studios presents our first
"Build Your Own Guitar Pedal" workshop!
SAT June 9th
Taught by professional studio engineer Alan Black, this hands-on workshop will teach you how to create your own DIY guitar pedal.
$200 Fee includes all materials and students get to take their pedal home!
We'll be building what we call "Clone PLUS" pedals. Most of these have some improvements/mods on classic circuit designs. Options include:
- Marshall Blues Breaker
- Univox Super Fuzz
- Tube Screamer Plus
- Big Muff
- Zendrive
- Phaser
- Tremolo
- Compressor
- Delay
About the Teacher:
Alan Black is a veteran broadcast and recording studio technician and guitarist. He is active in the DIY stompbox scene and is horribly addicted. He has built about thirty pedals and refuses to sell them.